Sunday, July 27, 2008

Updated Map

Where has Pushkar been since June 6, 2008?


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1 comment:

Jesús said...

this is all very encouraging, mohan. what a way to spend a summer. we wanna talk about it when you're done moving into boston this year.

side note summer highlight:
when not at work at the St Patrick Center, i've been gearing up on digital audio recording knowledge and equipment in preparation for my next project: the full multi-instrument recorded version of the song I wrote in Spanish and then messed around with for your birthday. i'd wish to say it'll be done this summer, but can't be sure about it. regardless, if there's enough time over here and i don't get anyone's veto, you may possibly end up with something to sing to the kids in India and then translate to them saying: "it's about this guy who gets compared to a puss-cat..."