Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Amritsar and beyond

First off I woudld like to apologize in advance for the shortness of this post. I arrived yesterday in Amritsar and took a rickshaw to my hotel after meeting my contact here in the Punjab. I like this region already. It is harvest time and everyone is in the feilds and things are lush, green and very hot. Unfortunately during this time many children are taken out of school to help the family with harvest. To make things worse this is exam period at the end of the school year so these children will not be tested which makes it even harder to gauge any progress made in their education. I will be conducting a number of interviews over the next few days with many people involved with Pratham in the area. The next post shall be filled with information and quotes (hopefully pictures as well) from these volunteers who work hard every day (for no pay) to get these children properly educated. Watch this space.


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